Most Pokémon only need to reach a certain level before being taken to the Luminous Cave to evolve.

Once inside, you’ll just need to go through the proper menus and your Pokémon will either evolve or you’ll be shown the requirements that need to be met before that can happen. If you’d like to evolve a Pokémon, set them as your party leader and enter the Luminous Cave. A new area will have opened up by the whiskered Pokémon called the Luminous Cave. Once that’s done, you can chat up Whiscash, who is located in the Northern Part of Pokémon Square. You’ll know this has been completed when the credits roll and you see “The End" tag when they're done. Players first need to have completed the main story of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. It’s not just done through leveling, as you might be accustomed to from mainline Pokémon titles. Unfortunately, evolving your Pokémon is a feature that requires unlocking. How do you evolve a Pokémon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX? Gamers need to put in a little extra legwork before letting their Pokémon take the next step in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. Normally, a Pokémon will evolve once it reaches a certain level or in less common cases, by using an item like a Fire Stone on them. While everyone loves catching Pokémon, the real thing we all love the most is evolving our favorite Pokémon into even more powerful monsters, and the way this process is done in the new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is totally unlike how it works in most mainline Pokémon titles.